Today was our last day of regular activities for two-week campers, and it was a bittersweet feeling to know that regular activities were over, but that we get special activities tomorrow! Campers get to finish the special activity periods they started in Sunday tomorrow morning, to close out their session here at camp. Tie-dye, dungeons and dragons, and knitting were some of the hits!

One-weekers enjoyed their personalized schedules today, that they created with Jenna and their counselors at Embers last night. They chose from either Crafts or Hiking for first period, Archery or Fishing for second period, and Nature & Ecology or Climbing for third. They all had a great day trying new things and exploring camp!

Tonight for dinner we had a delicious chicken parmesan and broccoli dinner, with rolls, salad, and even birthday cake for dessert! We all got to wish a very Happy Birthday to both Tommy’s wife and son today!

A lot of this week has been spent preparing for tonight’s Evening Program-  The Camp Talent Show!! We have so many talented campers this session, that this ended up being the longest and most jam-packed talent show of the summer! Many talented musicians and beautiful singers, dance performances, comedy acts, skits from Josh’s theatre classes, Rubric’s cube solvers, story tellers, crazy flexibility, Irish Step Dancers, guitarists, and more!! Thank you to every talented camper and counselor that performed!