The Eldorado Canyon campers had an awesome day today–we headed out to Sawhill Ponds to fish, and believe it or not, we actually catch a bunch of fish! It was very exciting–check out our-password protected photos website ( for pictures! We began our day on the bus, with rousing renditions of Titanic and Leo the Lion. When we got Sawhill, the groups put on sunscreen and got started with our day! We fished, played lava, did some awesome teambuilding, and enjoyed seeing all of the wildlife present at the Ponds. We saw fish, turtles, a blue heron, red-winged blackbirds, and some Colorado woodpeckers! In the afternoon, we headed back to base camp, where campers had a chance to practice their skits–using the wonderful camp props box to help!–and eat some delicious gorp, that was mixed by the Flaming Purple Plutonium Ploppy Peppers! We also worked on our time capsule projects; each group is creating an item to put into the AO Camps Session 1 time capsule, which we’ll seal up tomorrow.

Tomorrow is our final day of camp–it should be tons of fun! We’ll perform skits for each other, seal up our session time capsule, and do some awesome closing activities to finish out the session. See you tomorrow for a last day in the canyon!

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