Our campers spent an exciting day at Whittier Elementary taking part in all kinds of amazing activities. We started our morning with some songs, including “Humba Humba,” “Princess Pat,” and “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.” Afterwards, the Tiny Ninja Turtles made some bead creations, the Tiger Cheetahs made tumblebugs, and the Purple Octopi played charades. After lunch all of the groups participated in rock climbing, archery, and some refreshing water activities. The campers also participated in many teambuilding challenges today. They learned a lot about communication, team support, and coordination through various activities such as the jump rope dodge, toobeez, “Lighthouse”, and “Crevice.” At the end of the day, our campers were able to see the time capsule items made by last years session 4 and began to come up with some very exciting ideas of their own.

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