The juniors had a great final day with the volcano theme at AO camps. We began with some of our favorite camp songs such as “You can’t ride in my little red wagon,” and “Boom chicka boom.”

After camp songs, we took our cabin group pictures and then we began our rock climbing on Wally. We had campers rock climb for the first time today and we had campers climb higher than we’ve seen them climb before. Campers love the rock wall!

At lunch time the juniors ventured to Morrison Nature Center to eat, have free time, go on a hike, and play a game called poisonous frogs.

When our hike came to an end we gathered on the bus to head to Fletcher Creek School where we read books and had snack and nap time. We ended the day with a special volcano themed activity where we combined corn starch and water to make a substance similar to actual lava! The
Lava begins as a liquid and slowly solidifies to make a solid. Sort of like how lava made the Hawaiian islands!

We ended the day like we end all our days. We sang some good camp songs and talked about our fantastic experiences at camp!

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