We had an awesome pool day today! We began our day with some fun songs, including Baby Bumblebee and The Beaver Song. Then, we played a great game of Categories–campers grouped themselves by their favorites. We did favorite movie, favorite summer activity, favorite breakfast food, and more! After our songs and game, we headed to Eldo pool, where we spent an incredibly fun day playing in the pool! Campers applied sunscreen, did their swim screen for safety, and then played in the cool pool. We went off the diving board and slid down the slide. After a lunch break, we re-applied sunscreen and created some crazy sunglasses. Then, we played in the pool all afternoon–it was fun watching the counselors go off the diving board! We finished off our day with some delicious watermelon for snack, and sang Little Canoe and On Top of Spaghetti to finish our day. Tomorrow is Meadow Day–we’ll see  you there!

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