We had a great start of the second week at camp! After arriving at camp Wondervu, everyone gathered for songs and a game of “The Sun Shines On.” After, once we we all put on sunscreen and filled our water bottles, all the campers went on a hike around the perimeter of the property. We ended at an overlook with incredible views for a picnic lunch. It was so fun to have the entire camp hiking together! We returned to camp to find a tepee being built on site! Some of the campers helped with the building process and some watched. The groups continued their day with their scheduled activities of Toobeez, Pet Rocks and Tumblebugs. All the groups played some camp games before returning together for snack. It was the Psychotic Iron Unicorns Who Eat Porkchops that mixed their GORP. It was so tasty! After we cleaned up camp a bit, we sang “On Top of Spaghetti” and got on the bus to return to Boulder. Tomorrow we will be back at Wondervu for climbing day!

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