Today, we were back in the canyon! And, we climbed! It was great fun 🙂 We began our day with some energetic morning songs and a rousing all-camp game of Evolution, and then split up to get sunscreened and start our day. Campers all had a chance to climb twice on Supremacy Rock, and also enjoyed some teambuilding activities, face painting, making journals, and building structures with toobeez. It was an awesome day! We ended our day by eating some delicious gorp made by the Sorry Pasta Ninjas from Outer Space, and by opening the time capsule from session 3 2011! It was very exciting to see what campers from last year left us in the time capsule. We ended our day with the classic, On Top of Spaghetti–what a good day!

Tomorrow we’re off for the holiday–so we’ll see you Thursday for fishing!

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