We had an awesome last day of camp–we all hiked and played to our heart’s content! We began the day with some fun morning songs, including One Hen, Two Ducks, and then played a great all-camp game of Ship-Island. Then, we sunscreened up and filled our water bottles in preparation for our morning hikes! The Goddesses and Midnight Ninjas had an epic hike up to the historic Crags Hotel; ask your camper all about the legend of Shocktie! We enjoyed looked through the ruins of the old hotel and taking in the amazing views. Meanwhile, the Awesome…Chickens and the Griffinpuff Owls headed to the cave, where they enjoyed lunch and making a miniature dam and canal system. Then, we all met back at the pad to do our end of session skits! They were wonderful–everyone made good use of the costume box and all of the campers really enjoyed watching the other campers perform. Then, we closed up our time capsule–it was great to see what each group chose to put in!

We ended the day with some quieter, more reflective activities; each group took the time to discuss what they liked most about camp and what they had learned throughout the session. We also talked about how much fun we had all had! We finished our day by eating some delicious gorp, made by the Griffinpuff Owls–it was yummy! We then sang our old standard, On Top of Spaghetti, and headed to the bus to finish our session. We had great fun–hope to see you again later this summer or next summer!

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