Today the junior campers enjoyed a fun filled day at Westerly Creek and the F15 pool! We Began with some of our favorite camp songs such as “Tarzan,” and ” Three short neck buzzards.”

Following camp songs we got into some volcano activities. We watched volcanic rocks float in the pond, they really thought it was cool because certain types or volcanic rock are the only types of rock that can float in the entire world! The campers then joined in making a human volcano. To end our volcano activities for the morning, we brought a miniature volcano to camp and mixed baking soda and vinegar together to make a replica of a volcano eruption! It was very cool!

We spent the afternoon swimming at F15 pool where the camper’s responsibility was to hang on to all of their clothes and belongings. They were very responsible but sad to say, there were still some belongings left behind for us to carry. For 4 and 5 year olds we thought it was a leap being able to run that activity!

We finished our eventful day at Fletcher school with nap time, snacks, and some good camp music. “I love the mountains”, “Blackbird”, “The bear song”, and the “spaghetti song”, were the final songs to finish out a great day learning about volcanos, rocks, and lots of lava!

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